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We are a Berlin-based, small and independent team that values honesty, responsibility and long-lasting relationships.
In an era where the fashion industry is causing social injustice and harming the environment, we are determined to make a difference and provide you with the means to make responsible decisions.
Everyday Menswear
All our clothes are casual classics with clean silhouettes designed to be most versatile. After years of developing our own fashion, we know it’s most important to develop designs that pair well with each other and garments that are already in your wardrobe.
We want you to look good – at work and the weekend.
Long-Lasting Quality
Avoid unnecessary purchases to get the most out of your garments. Our products are expertly crafted with durable materials and include a repair guarantee, ensuring they last a as long as possible.
Make sustainable decisions: invest in pieces that will stand the test of time.
True Companions
Shopping for clothes can be difficult, and often when you find something you love, it's gone the next season.
At About Companions, we strive to ensure that your favourite pieces remain available, so you can re-purchase your favourite Companions again & again.